Our commitment is to see you and hear you because that is the first step toward genuine healing.
Your well-being is important to us. In staying attuned to your needs, we hold space for you with compassion and expertise so that you can feel comfortable to share whatever is on your mind.
We are rooted in creating a safe space; one free of judgment and open to everything you share.
We care deeply for our patients and believe that the relationship we form through therapy is real and has the capacity to help you form healthy attachment and deep emotional connections with the people in your life.
Our multi-disciplinary clinical team offers a range of therapies and will create your integrated treatment plan.
Take comfort in knowing that we are trained in all of the following therapies. It is our role to know when to draw upon these tools, so we best guide you through the process.
* It is important to note that you need not select a form of therapy. As expert licensed clinicians, we will help guide you to the therapy that is best suited to your needs and many of these therapies and techniques can drawn on when needed.
Accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP)
Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) focuses on helping people to feel and to have the experience of feeling once feared, unbearable, and/or overwhelming emotions, as well as the transformative, joyful feelings, so that these emotions can be processed experientially and deeply and brought into the self. AEDP privileges the power of new experiences of being seen, understood, and undoing aloneness, in the face of overwhelming emotions, in order to heal the deepest wounds and create space for exploration, discovering and accessing untapped resources, and increased psychological well-being.
Anger management (therapies/skills)
Anger management employs a combination of approaches and is a process of skill-building. Identifying triggers and stressors, anger management teaches people how to handle tense situations and diffuse anger in a constructive way. Anger is a normal human emotion, but when it manifests in outbursts, rage or persistent anger, it can have detrimental consequences. Anger management helps change thought patterns and behaviours to improve physical health, quality of life and relationships.
Attachment therapies
Based on attachment theory, attachment therapy explores one’s childhood experiences so that they might understand the impact of their past and how it has informed their manner of creating meaningful bonds. Exploring attachment wounds, people can engage narratively with their upbringing, trauma, and experiences to call awareness to their emotional connections all with the aim of creating deeper, healthier relationships.
We engage in a multi-integrative approach to attachment therapy which includes Attachment Science Specialization and Circle of Security.
We engage in a multi-integrative approach to attachment therapy which includes Attachment Science Specialization and Circle of Security.
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioural Treatment is a therapeutic approach that works specifically on exploring patterns of thought and feeling that relate to self-destructive behaviours. Developing effective coping skills and slowly eliminating maladaptive patterns is one of the primary aims of this treatment.
Community Reinforcement and Family Therapy (CRAFT) – support for parents with children of addiction
Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) is a specific modality that teaches family and friends of those struggling with substance abuse or other compulsive behaviours how to communicate effectively so as to provide support for their loved one(s). This approach improves the lives of all concerned and teaches both self-care and mindfulness amongst other coping tools.
Couples therapy
Couples Therapy employs an integrated approach to treatment depending on the needs of the couple. As a form of psychotherapy, couples therapy can help you and your partner improve your relationship. Ranging from Emotionally Focused Therapies to Behavioural Therapies, Couples Therapy can help you understand yourself and your partner better so that you can change unhealthy dynamics and learn to communicate better. Couples Therapy is not exclusive to romantic partnerships but does have the treatment goal of stronger emotional connections and an overall healthier relationship.
Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)
Dialectical Behavior Therapy combines Cognitive Behavior Therapy with tenets from Psychodynamic Therapy and Zen Buddhism. Initially created by Dr. Marsha Linehan, DBT is a structured therapeutic approach that focuses on reducing harmful behaviour and thoughts that infringe upon the possibility of good quality of life.
An evidence-based approach, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a unique approach that uses bilateral stimulation to help the processing of destressing information that locks an individual in the “freeze” part of a trauma. Remaining unprocessed, traumas are overwhelming in nature and often, disturbing memories play a huge role. EMDR helps to treat both trauma and trauma-related issues (PTSD) as it creates new pathways in the brain that bypass the area that is stuck in freeze response.
Family of origin work
Family of Origin Work starts by looking at the family you grew up in as a source for where people typically learn to become who they are. One’s upbringing is where a person learns how to communicate and process emotions. One’s family is where beliefs and values are transmitted and attachment style is formed, and so Family of Origin is a helpful therapeutic approach to unpacking emotional concerns.
Family therapy
The primary goal of Family therapy is to create a more harmonious home environment. Each family is unique, and so the type of treatment employed can range from Family Systems Therapy to Functional Family Therapy. Helping with issues from mental health, improving communication, and managing conflict within the family, Family Therapy is designed to solve problematic patterns of behaviour and communication to strengthen emotional connections and create space for healthier relationships.
Maternal mental health therapy
Maternal Mental Health Therapy provides a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment for women with complex, and often overlapping, issues related to their mental health. We treat the whole reproductive period from pre-natal to post-natal as well as pregnancy loss and infant loss. Maternal Mental Health Therapy also provides services for women with complex and often maladaptive patterns of behaviour related to their mental health during the postpartum period.
Mindfulness therapies
Mindfulness therapies are Western and research-based forms of meditation and practice of being present in the moment. Helping patients call awareness to the impact of past events as they come up in the here in now has become an increasingly adopted approach to therapy. Cultivating a sustainable practice to achieve a healthier state of mind and overall well-being, mindfulness brings a calmness that allows for awareness, acknowledgment, reflection, and ultimately, change.
Parent-infant psychotherapy
Parent-Infant Psychotherapy is a mindfulness-based relational therapy where parents can learn to attune to their baby in the room, which in turn, allows them to attune outside the room. This approach is designed to help facilitate, improve or maintain the attachment bond between parent and child, and improve the child's overall developmental outcomes through the help of the therapist’s attunement to mother and infant.
Parenting support and parenting skills
Parenting therapy is a specialized form of therapy that helps parents navigate the challenges of parenting, and identify and address your past or present experiences that may be affecting your parenting and the way you relate to your child(ren). The treatment goal is to provide knowledge, tools and guidance so that parents can learn how to better communicate and care for their child(ren) in a positive way.
Play therapy (preschool and school age therapies)
Different from other interventions which tend to focus on verbal interaction, Play Therapy allows children to express themselves freely through play, which is why Play Therapy is a primary treatment for patients aged 2-12. Play Therapy is designed to create a safe environment for a child to express themselves through play rather than words. Also effective as a form of relief, children gain a greater understanding of their emotions and experiences through Play Therapy.
Psychological assessments
Individuals may seek Psychological/Psychoeducational assessments to help identify and/or clarify mental health diagnoses, to guide treatment planning and/or to help provide accommodations that may be beneficial in occupational and/or academic settings. The assessment may focus on the child or adult’s emotional functioning, cognitive and academic functioning, or it may integrate findings in all of these areas to provide a comprehensive understanding of the ways in which an individual’s emotional, cognitive, and academic functioning may be impacting each other. A psychologist does an in-depth clinical interview, followed by administering scientific, evidenced-based, standardized assessment tools for each individuals’ specific needs and concerns. This process generally involves a few sessions, and once the detailed report is completed, a feedback session is provided.
Relational psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalytic psychotherapy
Relational Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy are evidenced-based psychotherapy modalities focused on helping to facilitate the experience and expression of core emotions. This form of therapy helps individuals to develop a more accurate and compassionate view of themselves, to modify their internally-held view of others, and their responsivity to others’ feelings. Relational Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy helps to foster healthy relationships and uses the therapeutic relationship to provide insight into an individual’s style of relating to others.
Sensorimotor therapy
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is a body-oriented talk therapy that integrates theory and technique from neuroscience, psychodynamic therapy, somatic therapies, and attachment theory. Working to reconnect the body and mind relationship, Sensorimotor Therapy helps individuals who have experienced trauma to revisit the traumatic event in a safe environment with the treatment goal of carrying out any previously unfulfilled actions in order to feel a sense of relief and closure.
Trauma therapies
There are a multitude of Trauma Therapies employed with patients suffering from complex or developmental trauma. Helping you process, understand, and move through trauma so that you can cope with your experiences and regain your ability to function in a healthier way all starts with being seen, heard, and understood. Bearing witness to your experiences so you can overcome the trauma, trauma-related concerns and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be treated with a range of therapeutic approaches:
Watch, wait and wonder (parent-child therapies)
A unique intervention that focuses primarily on the infant’s spontaneous activity in free play, Watch, Wait and Wonder is a child-led psychotherapeutic approach that enhances parent sensitivity and responsiveness to a child’s sense of self and emotional regulation. A treatment goal is often a stronger parent-child attachment relationship.